3IN1 COMPLETE SKIN PROTECTION. Our most complete skin protection and disinfection combo. This is the ultimate skin protection and disinfection product. It not only kills all bacterias or viruses on the skin but also ensures the skins natural Hypochlorous acid defence levels and therefor maintains its natural health state. As the outer layer of the body, our skin is the first line of defence against disease and infection. It envelopes the body in a protective layer, and skin itself is the body's largest organ.

Our 3IN1 Ultimate Skin Protection Protocol is available and included with the purchase of this item. The three items involved in the Healthy Skin Protocol are the EASYMMS BATH tablets, Curagel and the HCIO Skin Care Cream.

Typical skin infections are found unfortunately with people with a weakened immune system who have a higher risk of skin infections and complications from skin infections. This could be due to:

  • a health condition, such as HIV, diabetes, poor circulation, or malnutrition
  • a side effect of medication, such as chemotherapy or biologic drug use
  • Wound healing
  • Fungal infections

The Three products used in this 3IN1 Healthy Skin Protocol are -

MMS BATH Tablets

This product has been a game changer for skin infection control and general hygiene. The natural power of oxidation on the skin while bathing kills all bacteria or virus infection manifesting on the skin. Bathing in a safe PPM (strength) of CLO2 water eliminates infection, pathogens and or bacterias that are on the skin surface or just beneath it. Cleansing or disinfecting at these safe levels avoids overloading the internal elimination systems from detox. Pathogens killed near the skin surface move outward through the skin and float away dead. Everything about this cleanse is safe. You can wash your face, head under the water etc. The CLO2 in the water will only interact with an area of the body that is experiencing an infection. Wash yourself with your sponge or facecloth or simply just soak in the hot / warm bathwater for 15 to 20 mins. These tablets are engineered to give a consistent PPM for a typical bath size - 80L. (21 Gallons) CAUTION: DO NOT USE THE TABLET ORALLY, it is ONLY designed for bath water size volumes.

Curagel 100ml

Nothing escapes MMSTABS’s innovative Curagel which is CLO2 (MMS) suspended in a magnesium glycinate enriched gel that is applied to any skin infection, infected bite, skin lesion, bed sore, toe fungus etc. Curagel destroys bacteria or viruses on the skin with the process of oxidation. This is the power of CLO2 on the surface area of a skin infection. Curagel also forms a protective barrier over the infected area to protect the skin from further infection happening.T his product is made weekly to retain the freshness of the ingredients. Once opened, please keep it tightly sealed and in the refrigerator to maintain its strength.

HCIO Skin Care Cream

MMSTABS’s innovative Hypochlorous acid skin care cream helps the skin enhance its own immune function with the infusion of Hypochlorous acid, magnesium and iodine. Hypochlorous acid is one of the best known wound healing properties on earth and that is why your body makes small amounts naturally for good skin health. This cream takes roughly one to three minutes to be absorbed by the epidermis after applying it on the skin. The cream is also infused with naturally absorbent magnesium glycinate. This magnesium helps the collagen production and strengthen the skin against bacteria or viruses entering the skin again.

The compete 3IN1 Healthy Skin Protocol will be sent with the purchase of this item.

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LESS 10% - 3IN1 COMPLETE Skin Protection

  • Product Code: PRO-001
  • Availability: 47388
  • $110.00
  • $99.99

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